



July 26th 2020 marks the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). While the ADA addressed many physical and infrastructural barriers to workplaces, many of those with a disability still face discrimination, are not given the resources they need to succeed, or even feel they must hide their disability in their professional lives.

For nearly 50 million Americans with disabilities, navigating the work world – or even entering it – brings challenges. We have the opportunity to show the next generation of workers that people with disabilities have a place in the workplace.

Ask: Celebrate the 30th anniversary of the ADA, while inspiring future progress in workplace disability inclusion.

Insight: 1/5 of the U.S. population has a disability, but people with disabilities are underrepresented in the workplace. Workplaces won’t be truly inclusive until they take visible action.

Strategy: Make corporate America a workplace for all.

Concept: “All Street”

All st 2.png

Video Production

To plan for a breakthrough launch, we'll change "Wall Street" and transform it into "All Street". From storefronts to street and subway signs, we’ll obscure the “W” to reveal the new name, a powerful symbol about diversity and inclusion of people living with disabilities in the workforce. 

We'll leverage this footage to produce a video for the ADA's 30th anniversary conference.

We'll use influencers/advocates to all post the ALL STREET sign on their social handles for the launch day, along with our powerful messaging. 

All ST.jpg

Icon for Inclusivity

After we unveil All Street — now what?       How will we promote change in the work world?

Similar to Women and Minority-owned companies, or military-friendly companies who display their badges with pride, we'll create the very first Icon for Inclusivity, a badge given to those companies who pledge to make hiring people living with disabilities part of their DNA. 

A design that depicts breaking barriers, this icon is total inclusivity — one that extends beyond the familiar diversity labels of LGBTQ, people of color, and cultures.

To introduce the Icon for Inclusivity, we'll partner with LinkedIn and on the reveal day, we'll takeover the site.

In a short video featuring one of LinkedIn's own employees living with a disability, they will be the first company awarded the Icon for Inclusivity, challenging other brands to do the same.

icon for inclusivity.PNG

*Campaign never went live due to COVID-19, but it was real work for a real client.

Art Director: Christine Fitzsimons

Copywriter: Amanda Ozarowski